We are doing Innovation Management thereby our Focus lies in Innovation Strategy, Innovation Methods, Innovation Culture and optimize the Innovation Process. Change Management.
We are doing Innovation Management thereby our Focus lies in Innovation Strategy, Innovation Methods, Innovation Culture and optimize the Innovation Process. Change Management.
Innovation Race has developed an Z-approach to build an repeatable process
to find new avenues for innovation and Growth worldwide.
Our Fieldwork has shown that their are lot of factors which influences the innovation performance
but we will have an look to the key Factors
We can see that companies have their most focus on Product & Process Innovation but lack in Strategy Innovation. But the majority of these are focusing expanding on new markets with excisting activies rather on diversification or radical change which would have an higher impact also on the Business model Innovation.
The methods used by companies to innovate are mostley used after instinct rather strategical.
Process in the majority of companies is well understood but mostly fail because of administration. Furthermore only the outperformer have shown an open process in their organisation, which is seen on the outcome.
In addition lots of companies have to work on their culture in their organization, so question is the innovation culture lived vs. commanded from above. Furthmore it is also relevant to see how the company corporate with external partners which is also not done effectivley. It all soundsdifficult but sometimes the solution is in front of our eyes.
We have found out that the most companies lack is in this area as mentioned above and the innovation excellence is not done effectively. Only the Outperformer has this "Hidden Power" and are the main player in their market.
The question is now what should companies do? Simple should strive for Innovation Excellence so called Z-Approach which will boost them to the next level.
Hidden Power
Innovation Race - business consulting.
Your professional business consultant when starting a business
and for innovation management. Start-up consulting and
business strategy consulting for entrepreneurs and small business.
© N.Zafar Innovation Race Ventures 2021
Entrepreneur consulting and start up funding.
You are looking for new capital investments? Crowdfunding and
venture capital. Business consulting services for investors and
start-ups. Consulting for innovative business ideas and models.
Email: info(*at*)innovationrace.com
N.Zafar Innovation Race Ventures
Valentinskamp 24
20354 Hamburg